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Shimehi Anime Free!! [Rin]


Rin Matsuoka Shimeji
Mac | Windows
For help downloading or trouble shooting check out:http://shimejibuddies.tumblr.com/infohttp://swimclubboys.tumblr.com/tagged/shimeji-help
I’m still trying to figure out the cause of the white pixels some windows users are encountering with these guys so please be patient until i manage to find a fix ><

Rin Matsuoka Shimeji
Mac | Windows
For help downloading or trouble shooting check out:http://shimejibuddies.tumblr.com/infohttp://swimclubboys.tumblr.com/tagged/shimeji-help
I’m still trying to figure out the cause of the white pixels some windows users are encountering with these guys so please be patient until i manage to find a fix ><

Rin Matsuoka Shimeji
Mac | Windows
For help downloading or trouble shooting check out:http://shimejibuddies.tumblr.com/infohttp://swimclubboys.tumblr.com/tagged/shimeji-help
I’m still trying to figure out the cause of the white pixels some windows users are encountering with these guys so please be patient until i manage to find a fix ><
For help downloading or trouble shooting check out: swimclubboys 
Work at Mac and Windows


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